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Sea otters are eaten by orcas (killer whales.)

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white sharks, eagles

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Q: What animals eat sea otters?
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Related questions

What animals do sea otters eat?

Sea Urchins

Is a sea otter a consumer?

sea otters ARE consumers. All animals that eat either plants (producers) or other animals are consumers.

Which whales eat Kelp?

Killer whales eat kelp from time to time. Other animals that eat kelp include sea otters and sea urchins.

Do alligators eat sea otters?

Alligators DON'T eat sea otters, Killer whales (orcas) do!

Are sea otters secondary or primary consumers?

Sea otters are secondary consumers. This because sea urchins are primary and sea otters eat sea urchins.

Do cougars eat sea otters?

cougars dont live in the same ecosystem as sea otters

How does the sea otter eat?

Sea otters have to eat at least 25% oftheir body weight each day.

What fish eat purple sea urchin?

There are several animals that eat sea urchins. Sea otters, sunflower stars, snails, crabs and some species of fish predate upon sea urchins.

What eats sea urchin?

Sea urchins have poisonous spikes so sea life find it very hard to eat them. But otters use rocks to crack them open and eat them also humans will gut the sea urchin and eat there insidesYou can find out by asking other people like your teacher, parents, friends, and brothers or sisters if you don't think this answer is right. the answer is otters, people, and heron.

How does kelp depend on other animals?

Sea Otters eat abalone which eat the kelp. Kelp provides a safe fish nursery for fry.

What land animals depend on the sea?


What would happen if sea otters died?

sea otters eat sea urchins so if the otters went extinct the sea urchin population would grow too big and they would eat the plants faster that they could grow. other fish that ate plants would go extinct, then the animals that ate them would go extinct. in other words... the ecosystem would be ruined.