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Wolves, deer, elk, musk, oxen, and caraabu all eat moose.

(I'm "improving" the answer)

Of those animals listed, only wolves eat moose. Also, grizzly bears, coyotes, (although they cannot take down an adult moose), mountain lions, and the scavenging animals, like buzzards/vultures, etc. The Moose is large enough that it doesn't have any real predators, except man, but the small calves are prey for many carnivores.

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10y ago

The moose is a herbivore. It only eats plants, especially marsh grasses.

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What animals does a moose eat?

They don't. Moose are herbivores and eat plant material.

Can a moose eat a fox?

That's impossible. Moose are herbivores; they eat vegetation, not other animals.

What do moose eat?

Moose eat the twigs, roots, bark, and shoots of woody plants. Moose are herbivores meaning they eat no meat.

Does a moose eat a deer?

No. Moose are herbivores, they eat plants, not other animals like deer. Wolves, cougars, coyotes and bears eat deer, but not moose.

Do moose eat bugs and other animals?

No. Moose are herbivores, they only eat plants. If they were to eat bugs it would be accidentally, and other animals would be out of a nitrogen or calcium craving.

Which animals eat brushes?

Deer,moose,and bears

Do wolves eat moose?

Yes, especially the Gray Wolves that live in the northern areas where moose are prevalent. They also eat animals related to the moose such as elk and caribou.

Why is a moose a primary consumer?

a moose is a first level consumer. he/she eat plants.

Are moose vegetarians?

Yes they are! Animals that only eat plants (and some berries) are called herbivores. So, yes, a moose is a "vegetarian."

What are some food people eat in Canada?

They eat Moose and and all kids of other wildlife animals.

What animals in taiga eat moose?

The primary predators of moose are gray wolves. Bears occasionally hunt moose. Humans, however, frequently and easily hunt moose with guns.

What climate does a moose like?

Taiga, moose are one of the few animals that actually eat conifers (yuck yuck yuck, what a thought)