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No, the gopher is a vegetarian!

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12y ago

No, they are herbivores or vegetarian.

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12y ago

Cocunuts and other animals

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No. All snakes are carnivores.

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Q: What animals do gopher snakes eat?
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Do owls eat gopher snakes?

No. Gopher snakes are smaller than rattlesnakes, and unlike rattlesnakes, are not poisonous. Gopher snakes are very popular as pets because of their docility. If a gopher snake ever attacked a rattlesnake, the odds are the gopher snake would lose miserably.

Do gopher snakes kill rattlesnakes?

NO, gopher snakes do not kill rattle snakes.

Do pet gopher snakes eat dead crikets or live crikeys?

Neither ! They eat rodents !

Do gopher snakes eat crickets what do you feed small baby gopher snakes?

Depending on how small of a snake they usually prefer to eat pinkies (baby rats/mice). You can buy them online or at petco but buy them FROZEN put them in water to dethaw an your baby gopher snake will be happy

Do snakes eat animals?

Yes. Snakes eat other animals.

Do gopher snakes have venom?

No, they have rows of sharp little teeth. Most snakes that have fangs are almost all poisonous because that is where the venom comes out.

Is it true as one veterinarian suggests that the king snakes cousin the gopher snake also is immune to the poison of rattlesnakes and can eat them?

According to one herpetologist yes Gopher Snakes like their cousin the Kingsnake are relatively immune from the poison of the Rattlesnake and can and do eat Rattlesnakes

What eats the gopher snakes?

a hawk or other snakes

Do snakes eat dog dropings?

No. Snakes eat other animals.

Do snakes eat papayas?

No. Snakes only eat other animals.

What types of foods do snakes eat?

Snakes eat other animals. Little snakes eat things like insects and mice. Larger snakes eat larger animals. The largest snakes are boa constrictors and anacondas -- they can eat entire deer and crocodiles!

What do vipers like to eat?

They are snakes and snakes eat rodents and small animals.