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The A in apple has a short A or "ah" sound.

It can be heard less clearly in antelope, anteater, and panther.

Animal names with a clearer short A sound include:












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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Well, obviously pig.

But other animal names have the same short I vowel sound:













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βˆ™ 11y ago

There are several with the long OO (or YOO) sound in mule.

They include:

(YOO) - unicorn, emu

(OO) - baboon, raccoon, goose, moose, bluebird, newt, shrew, kudu, vicuña

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A hare is a rabbit. But "bear" rhymes and has the same long A sound.

Other long A names are ape, snail, snake, stingray, and whale.

Bird names include jay and quail.

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Q: What animal name has the same vowel sound as apple?
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Is plane a short a sound word?

No, it is not. The way to remember is if the vowel says its name, then it's a long vowel sound. In the world "plane," the A says its name. On the other hand, the word "plan" is a short vowel sound. You can see this with other words too: pine (long vowel-- the "i" says its name), but "pin" is a short vowel sound.

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