The A in apple has a short A or "ah" sound.
It can be heard less clearly in antelope, anteater, and panther.
Animal names with a clearer short A sound include:
animal name that has the same vowel sound of apple.
The animal is the sheep (long E vowel sound).
The word "sail" has a long vowel sound. The vowel "a" in "sail" says its name, making it a long vowel sound.
a long vowel sound
No, the word "bottle" does not have a long vowel sound. The 'o' in "bottle" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.
In the English language, the word "nap" contains a short vowel sound. A short vowel sound is a vowel sound that does not sound like its name. In the case of the word "nap," the vowel "a" is pronounced as a short vowel sound, similar to the sound it makes in the word "cat."
No, "okay" does not have a long vowel sound. The 'o' in "okay" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.
Yes, the name June has a long vowel sound in the diphthong /juΛn/.
A long vowel sound sounds like the letter name. The word "Zebra" consists of one long vowel sound; The "E," and one short vowel sound; The "A."
It is a short vowel because it doesn't "say" the letter name. The "O" in "hop" has a short O vowel sound. If it were to be a long vowel it would sound like "hope".
No, it is not. The way to remember is if the vowel says its name, then it's a long vowel sound. In the world "plane," the A says its name. On the other hand, the word "plan" is a short vowel sound. You can see this with other words too: pine (long vowel-- the "i" says its name), but "pin" is a short vowel sound.
No, the "o" in "solid" is a long vowel sound because it says its name, /oΚ/. Short vowel sounds are typically found in words like "cat" or "big" where the vowel sound is short and not pronounced like its letter name.