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Q: What animal can beat a wolf in a fight?
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Could you beat a wolf in a fight?

No, you cannot 'BEET' a wolf in a fight.

Could a wolf beat a Tasmanian Devil in battle?

yes the wolf is the bigger animal.

Wolf in Super Smash Bros. brawl?

Beat Subspace Emmisary, and fight him in the Ruins.

Is there special player on Super Smash Bros. brawl?

There is 3 toon link wolf and jigglypuff How to unlock Toon link After you beat tabuu go to the forest level and there will be a new door go in there to fight him Wolf After you beat tabuu go to the ruins and there will be a new door go in to fight him Jigglypuff After you beat tabuu go to the swamp level then there will be a new door go in to fight her

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A bear holding a missile launcher.

How do you get wolf you beat the great maze?

After beating Tabuu, Wolf, Toon Link, and Jigglypuff will be available to fight and get in 3 previous levels. I think they're the swamp, the cavern, and the plain...

How do you unlock wolf in super smash brothers brawl?

After you beat Subspace Emissary, go back to "The Ruins" and when you find a floating door go in it and fight wolf and defeat him to unlock him

Can a wolf beat a leperod?

It is highly unlikely a wolf would beat a leopard.

What is the easiest way to unlock wolf on super smash bros brawl?

There is no easy way. You have to finish the boss battles with either Falco or Fox. If your battling them with friends, only one of you has to be Fox or Falco. Once you beat all of the levels, you then have to fight and beat Wolf.

How to bring animal my sims agent?

when beat the snow mountains you unlock a wolf named Wolf and when you beat the jungle ruins you unlock a lemur and Kendrick. Since both of the those places are places you go to on the jet plane the people from those places are available for you.

Who would win Wolf vs hyena in a fight?


Who would win in a fight a wolf or a jackel?

A wolf.