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Q: What allows the walruses to float on water and sleep?
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How do walruses sleep?

they sleep and float on the water

Why are walruses able to float on water?

Walruses can float due to their very high body fat content.

What allows objects to float on water?

An object will float on water if it has less density than water.

Which property of water allows things to float?

The property of water that allows things to float is buoyancy. Water exerts an upward force on objects placed in it, which counteracts the force of gravity pulling the objects down. This buoyant force is what allows objects to float in water.

What allows water to float?


What specific gravity allows a chemical to float in water?

A specific gravity less than 1 allows a chemical to float in water. This means the chemical is less dense than water and so it will float on the water's surface instead of sinking.

Why don't mostsubstance float in air if they float in water?

It is waters greater density than air that allows some substances to float on water.

Does a balloon float or sink on water and why?

A balloon filled with air will float on water because it is less dense than water. The buoyant force acting on the balloon allows it to float.

Which force allows things to float in water?


Does an egg float in water mixed with salt?

An egg does float in water that is mixed with salt, because salt provides more density in the water, and ,therefore, allows an egg to float.

What are the results of can water float on water?

Yes, water can float on water. This is because of surface tension, which allows objects with a lower density than water to float on its surface. Items like boats or water bugs can float because of this phenomenon.

What force allows boats to float?

Buoyancy is the force that allows boats to float. When a boat displaces water, it experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the water it displaces, keeping it afloat.