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According to Frontline, it is safe to use Frontline Spray on puppies from 2 days old and Frontline Plus on puppies from 8 weeks of age.

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Q: What age can use frontline on a puppy?
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Related questions

What is the safest flea product for dogs?

It depends on the age of the puppy. But if i were you i wouldn't put flea treatment on them until they are at least 8 weeks of age. I use frontline plus on all of my dogs and cats.

Can you use frontline for cats on a puppy?

At 8 weeks old, the kittens are a little too young and using Frontline flea treatment may do more harm than good. The safest method for kittens this age is to use a flea comb on all the kittens, and comb them twice a day until no adult fleas are seen.

Can you use advantage or frontline on a puppy?

Yes, infact both advantage and frontline both have suitable treatment for puppys and kittens. you can check out more information at <a href="">Advantage-Vs-Frontline</a>,

What do you use on puppy's for fleas?

There are puppy shampoos, and most puppys can be frontlined at the age of 8 weeks.

Can you use frontline on a horse?

No, Frontline is for fleas on dogs and cats. Horses get Lice. Use lousepowder. Frontline is likely it orritate the horses skin.

Sentence with the word frontline?

Use Frontline on your dogs and cats to prevent fleas. I used frontline on Fido yesterday.

What can you give a 2 week old puppy for fleas?

There is by Frontline a Puppy formula I think, check it out on there website as I had a 8wk old puppy and this stuff is the only stuff which does it good. But be sure to read the information first and correct dose.

Can you put Frontline for cats and Frontline for dogs together on your dog?

I would not recommend it. I do know you should never put the canine Frontline on a cat. You should use the canine Frontline for the dog according to his weight and the same for a cat, use feline Frontline only. Why mix them?

In which age is a puppy?

A dog is a puppy until it reaches one year of age.

Can you put frontline plus for dogs on a ferret?

NO, but you can use frontline plus for kittens on a ferret

What is the cost to use Frontline on cats?

The cost to use Frontline on cats can vary. Typically, the cost to use Frontline on cats ranges from the prices of fifty dollars to one hundred and sixty four dollars in the US.

Can puppies take frontline plus?

Once the puppies are 8 weeks old, you can use Frontline Plus.