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The platypus is uniquely adapted to live in a semi-aquatic ecosystem. It is found in freshwater creeks and rivers, within bushland, alpine or sub-tropical areas.

The ecosystem helps the platypus survive because it provides the food this animal needs. The platypus dives into creeks and rivers for its food. Its bill has sensitive electroreceptors which pick up tiny nerve and electrical impulses generated by crustaceans and other animals that inhabit the bottom of the creek or river. The platypus then uses its bill to shovel away the dirt, and find the food. It does not have teeth, but hard bony plates which it uses to grind the food.

The platypus has webbed feet which help it to swim, and which have a retracting webbed membrane which can expose the claws, enabling the platypus to effectively dig burrows in riverbanks for shelter, and the webbing membrane retracts for that purpose, but spreads between its toes when it needs to swim - which it needs to do to get its food.

During mating season, the female platypus digs a separate chamber at the end of her burrow. The eggs are laid here, and once hatched, the mother "closes off" the chamber with a wall of leaves when she leaves, to protect the young. The wall of leaves is also designed in such a way that it helps remove excess water from the platypus when she returns, thus keeping the chamber as dry as possible.

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15y ago

Platypuses have:

  • webbed feet with a retracting webbed membrane which can expose the claws, enabling the platypus to effectively dig burrows
  • a flat tail covered with dense, waterproof fur, which acts as a rudder
  • 2 eye lids for protection
  • its bill is equipped with extremely sensitive electroreceptors to find food such as insect larvae, snails, worms, small fish, and crustaceans
  • the platypus can remain underwater for between one and five minutes
  • dense, waterproof fur
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15y ago
  • The platypus has a sensitive bill equipped with electro-receptors, with which it senses tiny electrical impulses from underwater insect larvae, snails, worms, small fish, and crustaceans on which it feeds.
  • It has a shovel-shaped bill with which it can scoop up the food it finds.
  • It has short legs with retractable webbing between its sharp claws which extends to help it with swimming. Each foot has five toes with sharp claws, as it digs a burrow in the riverbank for shelter.
  • It has a broad, flat tail which acts as a rudder.
  • The platypus also has sleek, dense, waterproof fur.
  • It can remain underwater for between one and five minutes.
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