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they adapt by changing homes quickly when they get destroyed

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Abbie Hyatt

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: What adaptation do Orangutans have?
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While new world monkeys have prehensile tails to aid in moving from tree orangutans do not what adaptation do orangutans have that facilitate their partially arboreal lifestyle?

Adaptations of orangutans that have facilitated their partially arboreal lifestyle include hook-like hands, and hip and shoulder joints that are highly flexible. Another example is their long forelimbs.

Do orangutans adopt baby orangutans?


What is a group of orangutans called?

A group of orangutans is called a "charming" or a "band."

Are the female orangutans called orangutans?

Both female and male orangutans are called the same.

What is an orangutans prey?

Orangutans are herbivores. They do not have prey.

Are orangutans vertebrate?

Orangutans have a backbone. That makes them vertebrates.

How many species of orangutans exist?

there are 2 species of orangutans

What are orangutans diet?

bananas, vegetable, fruitfrom the orangutans Queen

What were orangutans originally called?

A group of orangutans is known as a buffoonery.

What can orangutans live to?

Orangutans can live up to the age of 50.

Where did orangutans use to live?

orangutans lived in tropical island

Are orangutans skeletons or mammals?

Orangutans are mammals who have internal skeletons.