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Q: What a the giant pandas 5 senses?
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How do the giant pandas senses effect the environment around?

It's the other way around. Senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch - react to things and changes in the environment.

How did giant pandas get their names?

They are called giant pandas to reduce confusion between giant pandas and red pandas. they are considerably large compared to red pandas therefore making them giant

Is giant pandas capitalized?

No, 'giant pandas' are not capitalized.

Are giant pandas extinct or not?

some giant pandas are exctinct

What types of pandas what are endangered?

The giant panda, although both species are endangered.

Do giant pandas live in groups?

No Giant Pandas do not live in groups

Giant Pandas are found in.?

Giant Pandas live in mountains in China

Why do giant pandas have sharp teeth?

giant pandas have them to bite bamboo

What influences do humans have on giant pandas?

why are giant pandas endangered from humans

What do giant pandas always eat?

Giant pandas eat bamboo.

What are pandas species?

red pandas and giant pandas