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Q: What Tailless primates that are the most like humans are the?
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Tailless primates that are most like humans are?

The tailless primates that are most like humans are bonobos and chimpanzees. They share a close genetic relationship with humans and exhibit complex social behaviors, tool use, and problem-solving abilities similar to humans.

Tailless primates that are most like humans anatomically and genetically are?

Chimpanzees are genetically closest.

Why can humans walk on two feet and are primates cant?

most primates CAN walk on two feet, but choose not to.

Which is the animal that nurses its baby for most of it life except humans?

primates share 94% of there genes with humans so it would be not all primates but monkeys

What are the smartest primates in the world?

Gorillas are generally agreed to be the most intelligent living primate besides humans.

Do primates exhibit homosexual behavior?

All primates, including apes, monkeys, and humans exhibit homosexual behavior, which may or may not be genetically linked.The primates that show the most homosexual behavior are Bonobos followed by humans.

Do primates have eyebrows?

Well, humans are primates and we have eyebrows. Most primates have enough facial hair/fur that it is hard to identify the eyebrow as one easily can on a human. But, yes it is there.

Are most primates social orsolitary?

The majority of primates are social. That includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and humans. Some exceptions include orangutans, tarsiers, and lorisis.

What does it mean when primates groom?

Nothing really. Primates groom as a social activity most times. Grooming to them is like humans going and hanging out with friends somewhere. Obviously they use it to get clean and look for things in their fur (monkeys) or hair (apes).

Are monkeys right or left handed?

They can be both just like humans. However, most primates are left handed although humans and chimpanzees are mostly right handed. And then there are those who have no hand preference at all, but they are unusual.

Do all primates have opposable toes?

Humans are a primate, and we do not have opposable toes. So not all primates do. However, most primates do have opposable toes because those are a big advantage for getting extra grip when climbing trees.

How do atheist think humans where created?

They do not think humans were created. Most humans believe that humans evolved over time from some other, now extinct, group of primates via natural selection.