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it is a dwarf antelope

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Q: What Animal is like a dik dik?
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What is a dik dik exactly?

a dik-dik is a animal that has horns and looks like an antelope.

What animal is a cousin of dik dik that begins with or?

Oribi is cousin to Dik-Dik

What animal is relative to dik dik?

Eland (or (elan)

Animal from Africa that start with letter k?

Klipspringer and Kirk's Dik-Dik are antelope species in Africa. They begin with the letter K.

What animal starts with a k and lives in Africa?

Klipspringer and Kirk's Dik-Dik are antelope species that live in Africa. They begin with the letter k.

What do dik dik dear eat?

Dik-diks are herbivores. They eat leaves, shoots, berries, and fruit. They do not like to eat grass.

What are those little deer like animals in the movie Madagascar 2?

it is a dik-dik

What is a dik dik animal in South Africa?

A dik-dik is a tiny antelope that exhibits different shades of colour depending on its environment, usually exhibiting paler colours in drier semi-desert areas. The dik-dik mainly lives in the bushes of East Africa, although they can be found in small quantities in South Africa as well. Dik-diks are named for the alarm call of the female, which is a loud dik-dik sound. Because of this, they have been hunted in order to prevent them from scaring away other game animals.

What is the smallest animal with antlers?

The smallest animal with antlers is the Chinese water deer. They are a small species of deer native to China and have long canine teeth that extend downward like tusks rather than upward like traditional antlers.

What is a girl dik called with a real girl dik?

you are that person ok ok i know what your thinking but belive me don't ask this question again ok so the real answer is simple its dik whats els could it be but im only 8 so i wouldont know but i do like to have al laghth sometimes and i think its dik any way or drunk but i think dik+dik=dik like 0+0=0 or it could be dik+dik=drunk im not shure but check it out on wikipidia ok bye and if u have a moshi monsters add me my name is bloom5700

What antelope is named for its sound?


Is there a video of zezima in real life?

he theres no need he luks like a dik do you know wat a dik luks like ye that's wat he luks like he