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Q: What 3 food chains include the red fox?
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Where is the red fox on the food chain?

The red fox is a secondary consumer and an omnivore.

Where do you find websites of a foodchain with the red cardinal in it?

google "food chains with the red cardinal in it"

Where does a red fox fall on a food chain?

The red fox is a secondary consumer and feeds mostly on primary consumers.

What is the role of the gray fox in a food web?

The red fox is a secondary consumer and is both predator and prey.

What is the food of a fox?

arctic fox=voles and mice red fox=eggs and small flight less animals

How can you get a picture of the red fox's food chain or web?

To create a visual representation of a red fox's food chain or web, you can start with the red fox at the top as the predator. Then, include its primary prey such as small mammals (mice, rabbits), insects, birds, and plants. Connect each organism with arrows to show the flow of energy through the chain/web. You can use images or icons to represent each organism for a more visual depiction.

What animal eats a red fox?

Animals such as Wolves and Coyotes hunt red fox as a source of food. Apart from this, Red fox is normally hunted by humans for use of its skin in clothing.

I am a food people eat me i am red i also eat animals that you eat?

you are a red fox

Why is the red fox slim?

because it can control its food craving unlike other animals but if you really want to know ask a red fox

Do Arctic foxes have any competition for food?

The Arctic fox competes with the red fox, the lynx, coyote, wolverine and others for food.

How does a red fox get his food?

It hunts and kills small mammals and rodents.

Are there any animals that hunt for the same food as the Arctic fox?

The main competition comes from the red fox that inhabits much of the range of the Arctic fox.