Since there are six subspecies, varying greatly in size, there is a vast difference in weights. The following is a list of male weights for each subspecies.
Siberian-490-590 pounds
Bengal- 445-550 pounds
Indo Chinese-390-435 pounds
South China-320-360 pounds
Sumatran-290-320 pounds
Malayan-280-320 pounds
Keep in mind tigresses are only around 3/4 the size of their mates, but the difference is more pronounced in the larger subspecies, with a large Bengal tigress being around 320 pounds to her mate's 500, but Sumatran tigresses can weigh 245 pounds, just 45 less than their mates.
It depends on the subspecies, of which six are recognised. The Siberian, which males can be eleven feet long and weigh nearly seven hundred pounds. The Bengal, males reach ten feet or more and sometimes six hundred pounds. Indo Chinese, males up to nine feet and four hundred fifty pounds. Malayan, with male specimens up to eight and a half feet and three hundred fifty pounds. South China, (nearly extinct) males weigh to three hundred twenty five pounds, the Sumatran, the smallest subspecies still in existence, males weigh around three hundred and are eight feet long. Male weights are given here, females are around two thirds the size of their larger mates.
A Royal Bengal Tiger will win!!!!!
A Royal Bengal Tiger will win!!!!!
Yes, the Royal Bengal Tiger is endangered.
West Bengal
The Royal Bengal Tiger - 2014 is rated/received certificates of: Singapore:NC-16
The Royal Bengal Tiger.
Panthera Tigris is the scientific name for a Bengal tigerp.s jemma is the best !!!!
I believe the common name for the white tiger is the Bengal Tiger.
The weight may vary on the tigers diet, but the average male Bengal tiger's weight is 441 to 575 lbs
Royal bengal tiger