YES. In 1993 an Amish man was arrested and charged with homicide:
"Gingerich captured national headlines in March 1993 when he brutally killed his wife, 29-year-old Katie.
According to police, Gingerich, who had previously been treated for severe mental health issues, attacked his wife in front of their two children, ages 3 and 5. The children stood by helplessly as their dad beat their mother so severely that his fists crushed her skull. Afterward, he undressed his wife and cut out her internal organs. When he was finished, Gingerich burned his Bible and led his children outside.
When authorities learned of Gingerich's brutal crime, he was arrested and charged with murder."
He was found guilty of other crimes as the years progressed, and in January 2011 the man committed suicide.
There are Amish books with stories.
Okay, take it from an actual hunter that has actually gutted a deer. It smells (from about 1 foot distance.) like dry human blood+1closeclosepinpinsearchminimizeforwardbackViewTextzoomoutzoominzoomin
Because they do not understand why the Amish do what they do or they a bigoted.
No. The Amish, like most Christians, reject the practice of polygamy.
The term hound-gutted refers to a horse (usually) that has a relatively slim waist. In other words it has a high flank. Like a Grey hound dog. It is not considered to be an admirable quality.
there are two different types church and house house amish are strict and like to do everything old-fashion church amish are modern and have electronical devices
Yes if you go to one of the Amish bed and breakfast, Amish try profit from people interested in experiencing, second hand their Amish Society. My half sister went to a Amish bed and breakfast, for her honeymoon with her present ex husband now, they said it was a good place to get away from hassle of life but their interaction with Amish was limited. You can look for Amish bed and breakfast, like you do any other as they or some else advertise for them, I suggest using Internet to look up ones in your area. If your looking just to hang around a community for a week, it is not going to happen unless your serious in joining, even then they are not going to let you just drop in and hang around for week, as they are a private people that limit their interaction with outside society.
it looks like a regal deer
explain why the Amish are considered by sociologists as a subculture and not as a counterculture.
No, James isn't Amish. To anyone familiar with the Amish the fact that James is on a television show says instantly that he couldn't possibly be Amish. If more proof were needed his clothing is "English" (non-Amish) and he's in high school. Amish only educate their children up to the 8th grade. Finally, you will not find any Amish teenager singing "My Sharonna" anytime, anywhere. Scroll down for the weblink to the Wikipedia article about the Amish in case you'd like to learn more.
some deer live in tropical like philippine mouse deer and some deer are live in snow
Rabbits and deer are herbivores and will not eat meat.