81.95 years
The French average lifespan is 78.1 years for men and 84.8 years for women.
The lifespan of the Flatback turtle, found in Australian waters, ranges fro an average of 50 years to as much as 80 years.
The average age for men is 77 years and the average for women is 82 years :)
40 years men 35 - women
Australian aboriginals have alower average lifespan then other Australians because of grinding poverty enjoyed by so many of their people
74 years currently. This is increasing eachyear though.
Australian women usally live longer
:) Females are better than men. so longer than them.
The average height of an Australian adult is: 178.4 cm (5' 10.2") for men 163.9 cm (5' 4.5") for women.
Women Live Longerbecause the cells In men bodies are not genetically programmed to last as long as they are in females.
What is the average lifespan for cha moms house