you don't, there are many wife's tails on how to get things going and things like a bath can relax her, sperm can soften the cervix but nothing can make her go into labour, baby will come when ready :)
Yes it can make u go into labor
You dont! the baby comes and ur water breaks and theres no way you can make yourself go into labor.
Yes it can
Do not try to make your cervix efface by yourself. If your doctor feels like you need to go into labor, he will start you on medicine. Its not good for your baby or you to try to do things on your own.
You can scare a dog and drive it into early labor.
You have to be pregnant first.
Cod liver oil will not make you go into labor or have any effect on the labor you are already in.
Things That Make You Go Hmmm... was created on 1991-06-23.
Nothing, it is too soon.