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Q: The tropical rain forest of the world only cover approximately 2 percent of the land yet it is estimated that they are home to how many of the worlds plants and animal species?
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Over 50% of the Earth's species live in tropical forests. Approximately 80% of all insect species live in tropical rainforests.

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Life is diverse How many species are estimated to be presently on the earth?

It is estimated that there are approximately 8.7 million species on Earth, but this number can vary depending on the method of calculation and the definition of what constitutes a separate species.

What percentage of species are carnivores?

Approximately 40-50% of species are considered carnivores, meaning they primarily eat meat. This includes a wide range of animals from insects to mammals.

What percentage of the world's estimated 10 million species of plants and animals and insects live in tropical rain forests?


What percentage of the world estimated 10 million species of plants animals and insects live in the tropical rain forests?


How many types of parrot?

It is unknown.

How many different species are there?

It is estimated that there are about 8.7 million species on Earth, but the actual number could be much higher due to undiscovered species, particularly in less explored regions like the deep sea or tropical rainforests.

How many species of sponges are there?

There are over 8,500 described species of sponges, but it is estimated that there could be many more undiscovered species in the oceans.

What percent of animals live in the abyss zone?

Approximately 20-35% of all marine species are estimated to live in the abyss zone. This zone, which ranges from about 13,000 to 20,000 feet deep, is one of the least explored areas on Earth. Many unique and specially adapted species thrive in this extreme environment.

How many species are in the tropical rain forest?

There are about 200 differrent species in the tropical rainforest.