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The insertion tendon that contains a large sesamoid bone is the patella. Some people refer to the patella as the knee cap.

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Q: The insertion tendon of the group contains a large sesamoid bone?
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What insertion tendon of what group contains a patella?

The quadriceps muscle goes over the patella. The patella is encased in the quadriceps tendon. This tendon inserts on the tibia at the tibial tuberosity. Other muscles from the thigh have tendons which go underneath the patella.

What insertion tendon of what group contains a large sesamoid bone the patella?

The quadriceps group contains the patella, a large sesamoid bone, within its insertion tendon. The patella enhances the mechanical advantage of the quadriceps muscles by increasing the angle of pull and providing protection to the knee joint during movements.

The insertion tendon of what muscle group contains the patella?

quadriceps :)

To what special bone group does patella bone belong?

The patella bone belongs to the sesamoid bone group. Sesamoid bones are small bones embedded within tendons that provide mechanical advantage by altering the direction of pull of the muscle. The patella (kneecap) is the largest sesamoid bone in the body and plays a key role in knee function.

Would severing the patella tendon inactivate the hamstring group?

No, severing the patellar tendon would not directly inactivate the hamstring group. The patellar tendon is connected to the patella (kneecap) and the quadriceps muscles, not the hamstring muscles. The hamstring group is responsible for flexing the knee and extending the hip.

What is the insertion of all the muscle of the quadriceps group?

These muscles all have a ligament of insertion which is called the patellar ligament. This ligament inserts to the tibial tuberosity.

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