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Q: The evolution of one or more species from a single ancestor?
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What is adaptative radiation?

Adaptive radiation is the evolution of a new species in a relatively short period of time. When many species share a single ancestor. burst of diversification of a group of organisms into an array of niches. ADAPTIVE CAUSES: • After mass extinction: - Reptile radiation after P-Tr - Mammal radiation after K-T • Novel environment: - Sweepstakes routes • Evolutionary transition: - Conquest of land, air • Removal of a barrier - Return of more oxygenated conditions • Key Innovation - Examples: Flight, pharyngeal jaws

What is the process of biological change by which descendants come to differ from their ancestor?

its evolution.check on evolution for more information

How is coevolution similar to divergent evolution?

Coevolution and divergent evolution both involve the process of species evolving in response to changes in their environment or interactions with other species. However, coevolution specifically refers to the reciprocal evolution of two or more species in response to each other, often resulting in a close relationship between the species. Divergent evolution, on the other hand, occurs when two or more related species evolve different traits and adaptations due to different environmental pressures, eventually leading to their divergence from a common ancestor.

Which statement is more accurate to scientist the evolution of a single individual organism or the evolution of a whole species?

The evolution of a whole species is more accurate as it considers genetic variations and adaptations across multiple individuals within a population over time. Evolution of a single individual organism does not accurately represent the gradual changes in a population that drive species evolution.

What does common ancestor mean?

AnswerA common ancestor means that two of more animlas are descended from the same individual. You and your second cousin have a common ancestor in one of your great grandparents; you and your sister have a common ancestor in you mother. AnswerIt means that the species involved evolved from the same ancestor. Contrary to popular belief, evolution does not follow a single path. It is more like a tree branching off in different directions. For example, the pterodactyl and modern birds both have a common ancestor in the archaeopteryx. Whereas each came from a pteranodon, they both evolved into different niches in the environment and thus developed differently.

What is the significance of divergent evolution?

Divergent evolution occurs when two or more species that originated from a common ancestor evolve and accumulate differences over time, resulting in them becoming more dissimilar. This process leads to the formation of new species and contributes to biodiversity by allowing organisms to adapt to different environments and niches.

How does comparing physiological similarities of living species provide evidence of?

Physiological similarities suggest the species evolved from the same ancestor.

What is speciation ?

the formation of species

The relationship between evolutionary time and the similarity of genes in two species?

The longer the evolutionary time between two species, the more dissimilar their genes are likely to be due to accumulating mutations. Conversely, species that share a more recent common ancestor are expected to have more similar genes because they have had less time to diverge through evolution.

How is adaptive radiation different from divergent evolution?

Adaptive radiation is the process where one species gives rise to multiple different species in a short period of time, often due to new environments or ecological niches. Divergent evolution is the accumulation of differences between closely related populations or species, usually resulting from different selection pressures acting on them. In essence, adaptive radiation is a specific type of divergent evolution that involves rapid speciation.

A species from which two or more species diverged?

A common ancestor is a species from which two or more descendant species have evolved through the process of speciation. The descendant species can exhibit different traits and characteristics due to adaptation to different environments or selection pressures over time.

What did everything evolve from?

Darwins theory of evolution states that all animals of a particular genus are evolved from a single ancestor species. If one follows this path of logic farther and farther back in time it would seem then that all life must have evolved from a single common ancestor. This may or may not be the case as the fossil record is (and always will be) incomplete. Moreover, the theory of evolution does not really seek to provide an answer for the origins of life itself, but deals only with the origins of specific species and traits. The study of the origin of life is called "abiogenesis" and there are several competing theories, none of which can currently be proven correct, although there is considerable scientific work being done to learn more about the origins of life.