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No, there is an internet rumor saying that if dog's have ice, they will get a twisted stomach. However, several veterinarians have debunked that story many times.

If the dog has been running or exerting a lot of energy, don't let him drink ANY water too fast. He needs to stay hydrated, but give him a little at a time. Large quantities of water can cause bloating or stomach twist after strenuous activities. It is most common in large dogs with deep chests, because there is more room for the stomach to move.

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13y ago

All dogs are different. But it IS safe so go ahead and try it it won't harm the little thing. It actually might help ESPECIALLY in the summer. Hope this helped and good luck. ( If you use ice cubes put it in your dog water bowl to avoid the mess!) And refridgerated water is better than water straight from the sink it is more refreshing to dogs. Cya bye!

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15y ago

They can but they like water a little bit warmer!

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13y ago

NO! Ice chips help to sharpen there teeth and also makes for a cheep treat:)

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14y ago

The ice in water will cause no difference to you playful pet's health, some owners just belive their pet deserves a cool drink on a hot day of summer

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13y ago

no because they can Bern there tongue and throat

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13y ago

Sure because ice cubes are just water!

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