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Nurse the pups?

A female should clean and eat the placenta around the pup and then start licking it too get him/her breathing. She will then get ready to birth the next pup.

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Q: Should German Shepherds nurse right away?
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Are German shepherds old enough to be on a leash at two months old?

I personally think that any puppy at 2 months can be on a leash. As long as they can see and they walk without stumbling all the time it should be okay. Especially with German Shepherds, they are very good dogs. I have had them all my life and recently one was neglected right outside my house and she is a good dog. Well, she came to the right place!

Are black or the normal yellowish black German shepherds better?

It doesn't matter... Any colour is as nice as the other if they're brought up right!

Are German Shepherds good family dogs?

Yes, German Shepherds are brilliant dogs and they are very loyal. They will protect you too. iI have a German Shepherd and she is very loyal, loves kids and gets along with other dogs too. I would defiantly recommend a German Shepherd as a pet.Yeah, I personally think that German Shepherds are the best dogs to have with a family. They are loyal,and great with children. If you are going to pick a dog, you should defiantly pick the German Shepherd Dog.However like all dogs, German Shepherds can be very vicious if they aren't trained properly so if you plan to have one, especially around children, make sure it receives proper training so it doesn't bite anybody.

Is a German sheperd better than any dog?

There are likely to be strong opinions on both sides of this - my grandmother loves German shepherds and recently got another puppy. The answer is, it depends on you. German shepherds are loyal, dependable, intelligent and athletic, so if you are looking for a hiking companion, a search-and-rescue dog or a high-energy friend to live and play with, a German shepherd could be the right dog for you. However, if you can't go on multiple long walks and runs every day, don't have the time or energy to train a dog that can literally go for hours, or don't want to deal with a reactive and engaging dog that can bark at every passing car/person/animal, then German shepherds may not be for you.

Can German Shepherds be dangerous to humans?

All big breed dogs can be dangerous, if not correctly socialised and trained. They make fantastic dogs, if brought up right, and fun to as they are really intelligent.

Is a German shepherd more protective than a rottweiler?

German Shepherds are HERDING dogs. German shepherds are third smartest. Plus, Rottweilers are bred for guarding, Shepherds are bred for being loyal smart powerful and sweet companions to herders and to know how to fight off wolves and coyotes from sheep. Shepherds are less bulky with stronger bite power, better agility, and thicker fur. But Rottweilers have larger bulging muscles, while Shepherds have flatter muscles. They have just as much strength, but their muscles and flatter and less visible. German shepherds come in white, black, and the way they are most commonly known, tan with a black saddle. But Rottweilers have smooth black fur with outlined tan eyebrows and underbelly and chin. Plus Rottweilers have only short hair, while shepherds come with long smooth coat that can be from 1 to 5 inches long.

What are German shepherd's special traits?

There are many awesome traits about German shepherds! List of them...... here! 1. LOYAL! 2. Protective, a good police dog 3Athletic, they need room to roam 4. Loving and caring. 5. trusting. if you treat them right, these dogs will trust you.

What did shepherds carry to rescue lost or wayward sheep?

Shepherds utilize a shepherds crook to steer the sheep in the right direction and to rescue them and such. The staff also served as a weapon when needed, though shepherds are well prepared to protect their flocks from the dangers of lions, wolves, and the like.

When transferring a client with right sided hemiparesis which side of the client should nurse stand?

on the left side

Who would win in a dog fight Rotteweiler or a German shepherd?

I would say German Shepherd because they are loyal as anything to you and protective naturally for family too! They are also so smart and caring and really seem to understand your emotions. Rotweilers are nice to but I vouch German Shepherd.

Are German shepherds protective and harmless?

GSD's problem is not being protective, it's being overprotective. Especially of the children in the house. They are harmless to friends if they are trained right, but if you leave one home alone without entertainment, they're destroy your house.

Do you have plans to pursue your career as a nurse?

No, right now I have no plans to pursue a career as a nurse.