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The dogs tail went thwack, thwack, thwack against the floor as it waited for the door to open.
The dogs tail thudded against the floor while it waited for its food.
Thump, thump went the dogs tail on the floor as it was being pet by its favorite person.

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Q: Onomatopoeia for dogs wagging tail hitting the floor?
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Related questions

How do dogs interact with humans?

dogs interact with people by looking at you, wagging their tails, or even barking or laying on the ground.

How do dogs speak barkaniesh?

Um...there is no such thing as barkaniesh. Dogs do bark, but they communicate in a different way! They use body language, like wagging their tails! :)

What is an optimistic?

Dogs are optimistic animals. They always greet people with wagging tails and lots of enthusiasm. Furthermore, most dogs are very loving and gentle.

What would make good thesis statements about the communication methods dogs use?

Tail-wagging in dogs is actually a sophisticated method of communicating emotional responses.

Why the dogs move the tail?

to show how they feel. if its tucked in between its legs then its scared or unhappy. if its wagging then its exited or pleased.

What do dog do when they are happy?

Tell-tale signs of dogs being happy are tails wagging, jumping up and down and barking.

How do dogs fare who've had their tails amputated?

They do quite well, actually. They can't use body language the same as other dogs. Instead of wagging their tail, they wiggle their posterior

What is the Japanese onomatopoea for a dogs bark?

"wan-wan" is the onomatopoeia for a dog barking in Japanese.

Do people do their dogs?

People abuse their dogs by hitting them give them rotting food and don't give the dogs love.

Is growl an onomatopoeia?

Yes, "growl" is an onomatopoeia because it imitates the sound it represents. It mimics the deep rumbling noise typically made by animals like dogs or bears.

What does it mean when a dog or a cat wags its tail?

Tail wagging in dogs typically signals happiness, excitement, or a positive response. In cats, it can indicate different emotions, such as agitation, excitement, or even aggression, depending on other body language cues. Understanding the context and accompanying behaviors can help determine the meaning behind the tail wagging.

How do you know if your dogs tail is hurt?

it may not be wagging its tail. May have trouble wagging its trouble. seems more upset than usual. If you think your dog has hurt its tail you should go to a vet right away as it could have a spinal problem or have some other sickness.