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the weight of a hump back whale is 177metric tons

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12y ago

On average, a humpback whale can weigh 40-60 tons (80,000-120,000 pounds.)

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Q: On average how many pounds does a humpback whale weigh?
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How do you spell humpback whale?

Humpback Whale that looks nice and neat NOT humpback whale! Common names should not be capitalized, italicized or underlined. So: The humpback whale breached. NOT: The Humpback Whale breached.

How much blood does a humpback whale have?

Blue whales are some of the largest creatures on Earth and can weigh in at over 150 tons. It is reported that the average blue whale has 14,000 pounds of blood in its body.

If the average weight of a gray whale is 16 tons about how many pounds does a gray whale weigh?

On average, 32000 pounds.

How many pounds do an average whale weigh?

Depends on the whale. Blue whales weigh 6000 lbs for instance.

How many times heavier is a humpback whale than a human?

A humpback whale is about 20,000, times heavier then a human being maby more. Just think about it how much does a whale weigh???? 1 ton!!! That's heavy!!! A normal human weighs about 120 pounds. So do the math, 1 ton divided by 120 pounds.............. You will get 2,000 to 1,000,000 just depends on the whale, but you can be able to weigh a few whales and weigh a few normal humans round up the weights and divide the human average ( rounded up) weight by the wales weight and you will get your awnser.....

How long is the average female humpback whale?

Adult humpback whales are usually between 12 to 16 meters in length. That is approximately 40 to 50 feet in length. They also weigh approximately 36000 kilograms or 79000 pounds. They are one of the large species of Whales.

What weighs 47000 lbs?

A semi-truck filled with goods, an adult humpback whale, or a small airplane could weigh around 47,000 pounds.

What humpback whale size?

Adult humpback whales are usually between 12 to 16 meters in length. That is approximately 40 to 50 feet in length. They also weigh approximately 36000 kilograms or 79000 pounds. They are one of the large species of Whales.A humpback whale is about 45 feet long.the humpback whale averages to about 50 feet (15 meters) in length it's about the size of a school bus.

Is there such thing as a humpback whale?

Yes. Humpback whales are a large subspecies of the whale family. Adult humpback whales are usually between 12 to 16 meters in length. That is approximately 40 to 50 feet in length. They also weigh approximately 36000 kilograms or 79000 pounds. They are one of the large species of Whales

What is the 4th largest whale?

The humpback whale is said to be the fourth largest. Up to fifty feet and weighing ninety thousand pounds.

How much does a humpback whale calf weigh in kilos?

a blue whale can weigh up to 150 tons ( 136,000 kg ) .

How much does a newborn baby whale weigh?

Newborn baby whales typically weigh between 1,500 to 2,200 pounds (680 to 1,000 kilograms), depending on the species. This weight can vary based on the specific whale species and the conditions of the birth.