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He might be lonely but if you think he might be sick try spending more time with him and cuddling him before you get him a friend but he might beat up the friend or get him/her sick. If he continues to act this way see a vet =(

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Q: My guinea pig has been making weird noises and squealing sounds i thought he might just be lonley so thought about getting another one but then thought he might be sick Help?
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Why is one Guinea squealing when she isn't with the other Guinea pig?

She is probably lonely.

What does squealing mean for Ginny pigs?

Squealing in guinea pigs can indicate fear, pain, or excitement. It's important to pay attention to the context in which the squealing occurs to understand what your guinea pig might be trying to communicate. If the squealing is accompanied by other signs of distress, it's best to consult a veterinarian.

How guinea pigs plan to rule the world?

guinea pigs get what they want by peeing on people,biting,or high pitched squealing.

What noise will your guinea pig make when it is hurt?

squealing or squeaking or a high pitched sound of discontent.

Why is your guinea pig making noise I feed it when it makes a squeaking squealing noise because I thought that was them begging for food but then he still does it afterward?

Guinea pigs make a variety of noises, including squeaking and squealing, to communicate different needs and emotions. While they may squeak for food, they can also make these sounds when they are seeking attention, feeling excited, or even to show displeasure. It's essential to observe other signs your guinea pig may be displaying alongside the sounds to better understand what they are trying to communicate.

Where did the name guinea pig come from?

The name "guinea pig" is believed to have originated from the fact that these small animals were originally brought to Europe from the South American country of Guinea. The term "pig" in the name is likely due to the squealing sounds they make that are similar to a pig.

How do you get yourr guinea pig to trust you?

consistently holding her and cuddling her. Also lots of carrots--they will come to the side of the cage squealing for them

How do you tell your parents you want a guinea pig?

I first did some research on the cost of food, bedding, caging, diseases, and positive things about guinea pigs. Then I told them that I wanted a guinea pig, did some research, and wanted to see what they thought. We worked out a deal, so July 1, 2010 I will be getting two girl guinea pigs.

Can another mum guinea pig take on a rejected baby guinea pig from another mum?


Do guineu pigs have to have another guinea pig with them?

They do like company and would definitely prefer another guinea pig with them.

How do you tell if a guinea pig is hurt?

Some signs that a guinea pig may be hurt include limping, not moving much, hiding in its cage, squealing in pain, decreased appetite or refusing to eat, and changes in behavior such as increased aggression or fearfulness. If you notice any of these signs, it's important to take your guinea pig to a vet for a check-up.

Are guinea pigs sexy?

Only to another guinea pig of the opposite sex.