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He could have crystals in the urine. A vet could check for oxfilate and surfilate crystals.

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Q: My dog urine looks like orange juice concentrate and is thick like that I took to Vet and she said blood and urine test were fine What could cause it He pees a lot?
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If alien races do exist, they could possibly have orange blood.

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What do mean orange spotting? There is no such thing, are sure it's orange and not just light pink. If it really is orange that isn't normal go to the doctor.

Why orange juice does not create acid blood?

i dont know but then i could do

Could drug orlistat cause orange feces?

Yes - Red, orange and yellow aren't uncommon.

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Blood contains mostly albumin and other proteins. When they are heated, they coagulate and cause deposits and may clog your radiator, which could burn up your engine. Passing the blood through a 0.22µm syringe filter would remove the proteins along with any blood cells. However, it will contain salts, which will cause mineral deposits in you radiator. The same is true of using tap water do dilute antifreeze concentrate. The best thing to put in your pre-mixed antifreeze, or dilute the concentrate with triple distilled water.

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What are the names of some various shades of orange?

Burnt Orange could be considered a flat form of the shades.

Can you remove the bitterness from orange juice?

Try not to get any of the peel in your orange juice or it could taste bitter, also trying adding a little sugar. If you buy orange juice ready to drink don't buy it from concentrate. And be aware price makes a difference too because of the orange quality used in the juice.

What it means when your period blood is orange?

Orange period blood could indicate the presence of cervical mucus mixed with blood, or could be due to older blood in the uterus that is taking longer to be expelled. It could also be a result of certain medications or a sign of infection. If this persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, you should consult a healthcare provider.

Does Blood Orange and orange blossom sanpellegrino Italian sparkling drinks have an expiration date Where How do you read it?

Yes they do have expiration dates it could be underneath

How do you write a sentence with blood in it?

One example sentence with "blood" could be: "She cut her finger and blood dripped onto the floor."

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