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If you find an answer please let me know, i have a springer spaniel the same age and he stinks and i mean stinks, he gets no tip bits and is on a dry food diet and my others eat the same and have no problem :(

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Q: My dog has very bad smelly wind any suggestions as to why he's 6 months old?
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it has a smelly bottom

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well basicly ita wind smelly

Is Chicago's climate cinsidered Mediterranean?

No, it is called the windy city, and for a reason. in the cold months, the wind is very harsh and chilling. People must wrap very warmly in order to fight the wind and cold.

Can ybou eat smelly lam?

if you do, you're going to wind up throwing up violently for about a week and would be at the risk of getting a disease. (if any kind of meat is smelly, it's rotten and should be thrown out)

What is the similarities between wind hurricanes and breeze?

well obviously, wind hurricanes is a very strong wind, and a breeze is just a very light wind.

How would seasons change if the earth stopped rotating?

If the earth stopped rotating, then at every point on earth, the sun would be up in the sky for six months, and then down for six months. We would most likely have very hot days six months long, and very cold nights six months long, with a lot of wind most of the time. It might also be hard to sleep until we got used to it.

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Sandstorms on mars can be very intense with high wind velocity and durations of weeks or even months.

What direction is the prevailing wind in new brunswick?

from the south west in the summer months and and mostly west in the winter months

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How do you say wind in German?

very simple: der Wind

What is a hot call?

A hot wind is called the loo. It is a hot and dry summer afternoon wind and is strongest in the months of May and June.

Are the dust storms on Mars extremely mild?

No, dust storms on Mars can be very intense and can cover the entire planet. These storms can last for weeks or even months, with wind speeds reaching up to 60 miles per hour.