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There is no sure way to determine what is wrong with a cat unless medical attention is sought. Symptoms such as sneezing and throwing up could be a cold or the flu. Cats can get most of the same illnesses as a human.

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Q: My cat is sneezing a lot and threw up what is it?
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If your cat is snezing sneezing and licking its lips is their anything wrong?

Sneezing and lip licking can be signs of allergies, dental issues, respiratory infections, or foreign objects in the mouth. It's best to take your cat to the vet for a check-up to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

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I would not treat your cat with oil of oregano unless your vet says it is ok. Call up your vet and ask. You wouldn't want to hurt your cat by using something that is bad for it.

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It's possible that your cat picked up an infectious respiratory illness at the vet hospital, such as a cold or an upper respiratory infection, which is now spreading to your other cats through close contact. It's important to monitor their symptoms and consult your vet for advice on how to manage and treat the sneezing.

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Why is my cat Sneezing and has alump on his head?

It sounds like your cat has an upper respiratory infection along with a possible abscess on his or her head. An abscess is caused by cat bites or cat claws and the infection closes over and infection/puss builds up inside. It would need to be drained and cleaned out. Also antibiotics would be needed too. But first of all you need to take your cat into your Veterinarian to have him or her checked out and diagnosed correctly.

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Sneezing. look it up....

Will your cats sneezing clear up on its own?

yes but not for a while

Why does your cat bite you when you sneeze?

Cats may bite you when you sneeze because they are startled by the sudden noise and movement. They may interpret your sneeze as a threat or as a sign of distress. It's important to give your cat space and time to adjust to unexpected sounds.

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no but he grew up walking the streets of a lot of known gang areas and selling drugs threw out there

What would cause a cat to stop grooming consistently throw up and spend a lot of time sleeping?

the cat could be getting really old and its nose would be drying this happend with my cat oreo if the cat is not old then i sugest taking the cat to the vet

What does it mean when a dog sneezes a lot?

It usually means that they have allergies to something. Usually things such as pollen or dust. It is usually seasonal, but if you notice constant sneezing, you should visit your local veterinarian, or call him or her to see if you dog should be brought in for a check up, or if allergy medicine is is trying to get somthing out of its nose