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Any time a medical emergency happens with an animal, call a veterinarian immediately. DO NOT come online and post it on this site, where it might not be answered for weeks. A cat having seizures is a medical emergency.

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Q: My cat is convulsing from a flea and tick medicine that was put on her what do you do?
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How can you treat your cat after giving it flea and tick medicine meant for dogs?

Wash your cat thoroughly with cat-safe shampoo and warm water. I would also suggest calling your vet and talking with him/her about the type of canine flea/tick medication you applied to your cat and what symptoms of poisoning you need to watch for.

Will a cat start to bawled if you use dogs flea and tick medicine on them?

It can kill them,...Mine almost died from the same thimg...

Will your cat die if she licked tick and flea poison off her neck?


How do you stop cats getting ticks?

Try putting a flea & tick collar on the cat or just buy a flea spray in shops....

Zodiac flea and tick spray fro dogs and cats has anyone had a probablem with it?

seems to be working for my cat

What can be done if your cat has gotton poisoned by dog tick medicine?

If the dog tick medication was placed on the cat's fur, immediately wash the cat with warm soapy water all over and prevent the cat from licking its fur. After this, rush the cat to the vet, carrying along the dog tick medicine that it received so that your vet can start treatment.

What can you do if you put dog flea medicine on your cat and the cat had a seizure?

You should report it to a vet immediatly.

Will a cat die from fea medicine?

They can die if they are allergic to the flea medicine but this almost never happens, so for the majority of cats the answer is no.

Will dog flea drops hurt a cat?

Yes! It well harm your cat because dog flea drops are much too strong for a cat! If you do then immediately wash it off with a wet whipe or a wet (paper) towel! You should just give it cat flea medicine. that is most safe.

Can a cat have a reaction to flea medicine?

Yes, cat are just like humans in the way that they can have a reaction to anything you use on their bodies. I would advise you not to use that flea medicine again, give you cat a couple of weeks, if it hasn't cleared up on it's on, take it to the vet. I would not use any more flea medicine in the meantime.

Is it normal when a cat has worms for the worm to be pretty long coming out in their stool?

No "normal" per se, but not uncommon. This is caused by the cat injesting flea eggs. Need to put the cat on Frontline or another anti flea medicine

Do cat fleas like only cats?

No, a flea is a flea. There is no "cat flea" or "dog flea". Its just a flea and its just as likely to get a cat or dog.