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I'm so sorry your guinea pig died, I know what it feels like. But now I have two guinea pigs that I've head for almost two years. I don't want to be mean, but I don't really think there is true necromancy I the world, some people may claim, but it may be false. However much you may grieve for your lost piggy, I suggest yu move on. Get a new guinea pig. Again, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid youre not being sensible.

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Q: My beautiful guinea pigs have passed away can does anyone know any forms of necromancy so I can see them again?
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you should be asking "can you not get scabies from a ginea pig" Certainly if the guinea is infested with the itch mite (an insect) commonly referred to as scabies. Scabies are easily passed from person to person so I would assume they could just as easily be passed from person to guinea pig. All it requires is close contact. Jeff T. RN

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