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We had a dog that peed blood a few times. Every time we took her to the vet it was determined that she had a urinary track infection (UTI). Antibiotics helped clear up the infection. She was a very old dog when she started having the infections (lived to 16 years old) and they were recurrent. I don't know if there was a better way to treat them but I know how painful a UTI is for me and how thankful I am to get antibiotics for them. Maybe just check with the vet and see if there is another reason for the bloody pee and an alternative to the antibiotics, but they might just be the best bet for your pet.

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Q: My Dog is urinating drops of blood at the end of urine.. What could be the reason.. we have shown to many vets but they all end up giving antibiotics?
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that's not heathly at all! go see a dr sweety

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You won't need a vaccine for this. When an animal starts urinating blood, this means that the kidneys are shot. You're better off to put the animal down, because eventually she will bleed to death.

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Some medications are very hard on peripheral veins, like some chemotherapies or antibiotics and a central line is useful for administering them. Also, giving large volumes of fluid, obtaining frequent blood samples, and giving multiple medications are other reasons we use central lines. Central lines can also be used to measure vascular pressures.

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No, antibiotics will not effect the result of a blood test, but you should always inform the person performing the test what antibiotics you are taking.

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The bunny may have a urinary problem if they are urinating blood. Only a vet can determine and treat the bunny.

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