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lay eggs

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Q: Monotremes are unusual mammals because they?
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Do monotremes have live birth?

No. Monotremes are an unusual group of mammals which lay eggs.

How are monotremes unusual mammals?

They are the only mammals that lay eggs in order to reproduce.

Why are the platypus and echidna unusual mammals?

The platypus and echidna are unusual mammals because they are the world's only known monotremes, i.e. egg-laying mammals. Though egg-layers, they are classified as mammals because the young suckle mothers' milk.

Why are the platypus and echidna unusual?

The platypus and echidna are unusual because they are the world's only known monotremes, which means they are egg-laying mammals. Though egg-layers, they are classified as mammals because the young suckle mothers' milk.

Why are monotremes unusual?

Monotremes are unique types of mammals which lay eggs, rather than giving birth to live young. The only known monotremes are the platypus and the echidna, both of which are found in Australia, while echidnas are also found in New Guinea. They are mammals because, like all mammals, they suckle their young on mothers' milk.

What is unusual about the method of reproduction in monotremes in mammals?

Monotremes are the only egg-laying mammals. They are fully mammal because they feed their young on mothers' milk. Marsupials are the only mammals to give birth to undeveloped young after a short gestation period. These young are unable to exist independently of their mothers' nourishing teats, and for the most part, they are protected by a pouch, or marsupium - although this is not the case with all marsupials.

Are birds monotremes?

No, birds are strictly avians. Mammals that lay eggs are considered monotremes.

Are mammals monotremes or marsupials?

Monotremes and marsupials are both types of mammals along with placental mammals

Why are monotremes special?

Monotremes are special because they are a very small group of mammals which lay eggs. Most mammals give live birth, but monotremes lay soft-shelled, leathery eggs in order to reproduce.

What are the three main groups of mammals?

Monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals.

Why do Echidnas communicate?

Echidnas are unusual because, along with platypuses, they are the world's only known monotremes, which means they are egg-laying mammals. Though egg-layers, they are classified as mammals because the young suckle mothers' milk.

What make monotremes extraordinary creature?

Monotremes are extraordinary because they are egg-laying mammals, with the young suckling mothers' milk. Apart from echidnas and platypuses, no other mammals lay eggs.