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a male sheep is known as a 'ram'

a female is known as a 'ewe', (pronounced-yooh-)

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Q: Male sheep is known as
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What is a term for a male sheep?

A male sheep is called a Ram.

What is a male sheep called?

Male Sheep A male sheep is known as a ram, a buck or a tup. Each of these is a male with testicles; such an animal is also called "intact." A castrated male sheep is known as a wether. Or usually people just call them sheep.Other sheep infoA female sheep is known as a ewe.A baby sheep is called a lamb.a male sheep is called a ram and a female is called an ewea male sheep is a ram. Although a castrated ram is a wether

Difference between ram and ewe?

A ram is a male sheep and a ewe is a female sheep.

What is the mascline of a ewe?

A male sheep is known as a Ram

Male sheep called?

Male sheep are called rams. Rams are known for their large horns and are typically used for breeding purposes in a flock of sheep.

What is male of ewe?

A ram is a male sheep.

What is an immature male sheep called?

An immature male sheep is called a ram lamb. It is a young male sheep before it reaches sexual maturity.

Are male goats and male sheep both called rams?

No, a goat is not a male sheep, a male sheep in known as a ram.

What is a male ewe called?

AnswerThere is no such thing. An ewe is a female sheep. A male sheep would be a ram.A ewe is actually a female sheep, so it is impossible to have a 'male ewe'. A male sheep is called a ram.A ram or wether.

Does wether mean a male sheep?

A wether is a castrated male sheep. A ram is an entire male sheep.

What is the male name for a sheep?

An intact male sheep is called a Ram, a castrated male is called a Wether.

What is an intact male sheep ovine called?

An intact male sheep is called a ram. Rams are known for their large, curled horns and are typically used for breeding purposes.