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If you think your dog has hurt it's leg I'd recommend taking it to the vets. You don't want it to suffer unnecessarily. If it's limping check first that it doesn't have a cut or something stuck in it's paw.

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Q: Is your dogs leg broken or sprained?
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It probly has a broken leg take it to a vet or it may be sad or depressed

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no he never broke his leg...he sprained his ankle according to his official site but not his leg

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sprained or broken leg

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It could be either sprained or broken, if in doubt get it checked.

What do you call a leg that fells like it is sprained but is not sprained?

you call it a leg that has been hurt not severely but maybe damaged somehow

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If it is sore it is either just sore, bruised, sprained or broken.

The side of your rabbit's belly is sunken and she hardly moves her hind leg whats the problem?

This could be a sprained, twisted, or broken hind leg. Animals don't use their leg if it is broken, they limp on it. The sunken belly is caused by a hungry stomach or a digestive problem. The vet will know exactly what is wrong .

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3 types of injuries to the skeletal and muscular systems?

two muscular systems are crams and broken arm or leg. hope this is the answer you were looking for :)

How do you tell the difference between a broken and sprained dog leg My dog does not show any pain when i move her leg and she can move it she just wont put her weight on it is it broken or sprained?

It is recommended that you call your vet office and get your dog in immediately, as this type of injury is VERY PAINFUL for your dog. The only way of knowing what type of injury it is, is of course through X-RAY'S. Your vet will best advise you of the diagnosis and proper treatment for your dog. unless your a traned vet or superman with x-ray vision then take it too the vet or shoot it. Im sure its in alot of pain!

If you have got homework and you are completely stuck you need to know what to feed a dog who has broken its leg please help?

Dogs eat the same food when they have broken legs as they do when their legs are not broken. A broken leg does not require any special diet.

Do you have a broken leg?

No, I do not have a broken leg, i had a broken arm but not a broken leg