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On a four legged chair, if any of the legs are not as long (or longer) as the others, the chair will wobble. On a three legged stoll, if one of the legs are different, the chair will only be uneven or fall over (depending on how drastic the difference is).

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14y ago

Sort of. A 3-legged chair will always have all three legs on the ground, even if it's uneven. A 4-legged chair might leave one leg unsupported if the surface is uneven.

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Q: Is three legged chair more stable than a four legged chair?
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Why tripod is more stable than four legged table?

Because the three feet of the tripod are on the same plane, even if one leg is shorter it will not waver or stumble. However, with four legs, if one leg is shorter it will end up in two planes, or two tripods, and will always waver from one plane to the other, thus making the chair/table unstable. Chairs and tables are probably four legged because they are rectangular. If you want a three legged table you would need to have an extra sphere/block that has three legs branching out, and it would be more expensive.

Do all chairs have 4 legs?

A chair can have four legs (typically a dinning room or kitchen chair). Some chairs have a single column and splayed out feet (typically an office/typist chair that spins). There are three legged stools (traditional milking stools). Armchairs will have four legs.

Why does a 3 legged support tripod work better than one with 4 legs?

If the surface on which it sits is slightly uneven, then a three-legged support will still sit stable. However, on an uneven surface, a four-legged support may wobble.

Why do you think are we less stable than four-legged mammals?

Humans balance on two legs. This is less stable than balancing on four legs. The more legs you can lean on, the more stable you are. Centipedes are really stable!

Why do you think we are less stable than four-legged mammals?

Humans balance on two legs. This is less stable than balancing on four legs. The more legs you can lean on, the more stable you are. Centipedes are really stable!

Why is three legged stool stronger than a four legged chair?

it isnt It is not stronger. True, a 3-leg will not wobble because 3 points define a plane. However, a 3-legged table will tip over more easily than a 4-legged table. I suspect some science guru has done the physics on this and can prove what I say.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of three-legged stools as opposed to those with four legs?

When you have a four legged stool it can be unbalanced if one of legs is a different length than the others. if you have a three legged stool than even if one of the legs is uneven it will still balance evenly.

What does the term three-legged stool mean?

A small seat that has three legs as opposed to four (or more)

A carpenter knows a four-legged table can wobble whereas a three-legged table will not?

Yes. This is because any three points will always be coplanar, but a fourth point may not be.

Why would a four-legged chair rock from side to side even if the floor is level?

Perhaps its legs are worn down and now are of different sizes.

Which is more stable three legs or four?

Three legs are more stable than 4 legs.

What is another name for a four legged animal?

Another name for a four legged animal is a quadruped.