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i think they just bend there head down and drink the water

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Q: Is there anything special about the drinking habits of a deer?
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When does deer hinting?

Deer are not capable of Hinting at anything, they're deer.

What special feature does a deer have?

The special features that a Deer have is that they are able to search for their own food and protect one another.

Why is the white-tailed deer special to Illinois?

The white-tailed deer is the state animal.

What is Edward's hunting habits?

Animals, like Deer, Bear and such but his favorite to hunt is Mountain Lion's.

Where does a deer get its food?

anything green

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deer are like goats mate they browse anything

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yes deer eat anything that's green

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Yes, they will eat anything they can find and i know that they can take deer down

What do you call a lovable fawn?

A fawn. A fawn is simply a baby deer. So a young deer is a fawn, and there is no special designation for a "baby" fawn.

How is the deer hurt by the tick?

A deer tick sucks blood from the deers back.

Do tigers eat anything besides deer?

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