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Humans are destroying the gorillas habitats at an alarming rate. With the forests being destroyed and poachers killing gorillas the gorillas are losing their homes and their future because of the ignorance of humans. So yes there is a huge human impact.

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Can you grow gorilla hair?

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No, there has never been any scientific evidence or experiment that could change a live baby gorilla into a human being. Such a transformation goes against the principles of biology and genetics, as species are determined by their DNA and cannot be altered in such a way.

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The gorilla is not a human being, although it is a related species. Both humans and gorillas are categorized as primates.

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There wouldn't be one. A gorilla and human are unable to reproduce together.

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There will be no human

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a gorilla or chimp or ape

How does a gorilla have a baby?

The same way a human does.

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same as a human :)

Is a gorilla stronger then a human?

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