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Well, yes and no. It all depends on what type you have, some people think that because your father is bald that you will be too. Now that isn't exactly true, because my father is bald and his started when he was sixteen and by the time he was nineteen he wore a tupee. His father on the other hand had a full head of hair until his mid to late fifties. So that is one thing, but I saw a picture of his mother's father and my father's grandfather had the same problem, so that is the main point, if your mother's father was bald then you are very likely to have the same problem unless it skips a generation.

The other is by too much stress and not enough sleep.

The next one is too much exercise and working out.

lack of nutrition is a big thing, sickness is an other

I've been a person who's hair isn't thick any more, and let me tell you why. Ever since I was younger I was overweight and wanted to lose weight and look good. So I started working out, eating salads and exercising. But looking good got to my head and i paid a price. Not enough sleep, stress, not getting enough nutrition, and then throwing my food up. Because of my actions I hurt my body. Blood started coming out when i would use the bathroom out of both ends. Then my hair started to thin.

Now I have turned it around as best as I can, by taking vitamins eating more and stopped exercising. Also taking b vitamin shampoo has worked to a point, but it seems to be trying my scalp out, and the conditioner is all right, but at least try vitamins and eating right.

It's rough to go through that especially when it's in highschool.

I went to the doctor and asked what was going on and he told me the reasons of certain hairloss and I found out it was a lot of things.

Now ask about bosley hair restoration, or hair med, but don't try rogain, it only stops or slows the process down and doesn't regrow. I haven't used it but I know from hearing from different sources.

So ask and find out.

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Q: Is there a way to regrow hair naturally?
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You can't.

What are some ways to regrow your hair?

The most popular way to regrow hair is using products such as Rogaine to stimulate the regeneration of your hair follicles. People can also undergo light therapy on their scalp to regrow hair as well.

How to regrow hair?

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The easiest way to regrow new hair is to get a treatment like Rogaine (or Regaine in Europe). This comes in a spray of cream, and you apply it to the skin twice a day.

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No idea, try it and find out if Balayam can regrow hair.

What can you do to regrow your hair?

dont try. the chemicals are all crap, they don't work, they totally ruin your hair. wait for it to grow back naturally and use extentions in the meantime

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There are many combinations of vitamins and hair treatments that can help you regrow hair. You can try Rogaine for starters. You can find information at

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The only way to be certain that your hair is naturally straight is to be born with it.

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What happens if you pull out a hair?

The haIr come out with a rout which is the white thing at the bottom. The rout keeps it is so when you pull you hair out it has to regrow from scratch. Nothing much happens like nothing bad. It will regrow pretty much in the same way that it was. Hoped it helped a bit. :)

Which product can be used to regrow hair?

There is a product called Rogain that is reputed to regrow hair after it has been lost. There are also clinics that advertise the restoration or regrowth of hair.