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I don't think so, it says that the cover art is by Wayne McLoughlin. Sorry. Please go to www.warriorcats.comfor more information.

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Is there a site that you can make a book cover like in warriors cats?

Sorry, but no. The Warriors cover art is done by Wayne McLoughlin.

What will the cover Of the new Warriors book sunrise look like?

The cover of Sunrise, the sixth book in the power of three series will have Hollyleaf on the front of it. To test my knowledge, go to your local library and look up Long Shadows, the fifth book. the back cover will show a picture of Sunrise.

How did people find out what the cover to Sunrise Warriors looks like?

Look on the warriors website or publishers.

Why are Warriors book series fans so funny and crazy?

Because we like reading a story about wild cats running around attacking each other and catching mice. Plus we are the cool cats... :D

How many people in the warriors?

No one can count because more and more cats join the clans and more cats die. Just like the numbers of humans rise and fall each second. The only real way is to count from the first book (Into the Wild) to the last book (The Last Hope). Warriors Books are an on-going series so it is almost impossible to count.

Were can you find a cat that looks like bluestar from the series warriors?

You may be able to find a cat that looks like Bluestar from the Warriors series by visiting local animal shelters or breed-specific rescues, as there are many cats in need of homes with a similar appearance. Keep in mind that personality traits are also important when adopting a pet.

How are webkinz cats like warrior cats?

Besides that they are both feline and fictional, absolutely nothing. Cats on webkinz are fluffy things. In the Warriors, cats fight for their lives.

Why don't dogs go to starclan?

Its only for cats. Its not like they are going to send enemies up there.?! Because Warriors is about cats not dogs! lol

How do you read to warriors mangus books?

To read the Warriors manga books, simply find them at your local bookstore or library or purchase them online. The manga series is a spin-off from the main Warriors book series and features illustrations to accompany the stories. Just like any other book, you can start reading them from the beginning to follow the adventures of the warrior cats in a visual format.

What books do you recommend for a kid to read?

i love the seires Percy Jackson if you like gods and the Olympians or warriors if you like cats

What herbs calm cats down in warriors?

Herbs like chamomile, valerian root, and catnip are known to have calming effects on cats in the Warriors series. These herbs can be used by medicine cats to help soothe and relax cats in times of stress or anxiety.

What would be a good name idea for a series about dogs and cats like Erin Hunter's Warriors?

A good idea for Warriors: Into the Wild ;Instead; *Rivals: The War Begins* :)