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No. There's nothing wrong with your shih tzu. I have one. She is three years old. By the time she turned 1 she had never heated. That's because shih tzu's don't heat unless their under sunlight.

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Q: Is there a problem with my shih tzu she is a year old now but i haven't seen her heat.?
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Why do your shih tzus have jelly in their eyes?

well my shih tzu had that and she had to get drops. im not sure if your dogs problem is anything major though.

Do imperial shih tzus shed?

the Shih Tzu does shed especially the female when she is in heat, pregnant or nursing. And they DO mat and they mat a lot! they need to be brushed every day to avoid it

How often do shiht tzus go into heat?

A Shih-Tzu will be in heat if they lack of water. For example, when you are walking your Shih-Tzu you need to bring a bottle if water for your dog. Sink water preferable. You can also tell if your Shih-Tzu is in heat by seeing if he or she is sticking its tongue out. Running and playing can lead to heat and giving the dog water after she or he plays is preferable.

Can shih-tzu live with cats?

i had a shih tzu for 6 years and a cat for 4 years ! I never experienced 1 problem the love the compainy of each other! They love playing to !

What sicknesses can a shih tzu get?

Shih Tzu is prone to some health issues like Hip Dysplasia, Respiratory problem, Ear & eye infections, Dental and back problems etc.

What illnesses do a shih tzu get?

Shih Tzu is prone to some health issues like Hip Dysplasia, Respiratory problem, Ear & eye infections, Dental and back problems etc.

What sicknesses do a shih tzu get?

Shih Tzu is prone to some health issues like Hip Dysplasia, Respiratory problem, Ear & eye infections, Dental and back problems etc.

Do dogs have more than eight nipples?

They can. I have seen a Shih-Tzu with 9 and a very long Dachsund with 11.

Is it normal for a shih tzu puppy to have a little red in the eye?

No, because the eye is getting infected. It can be because the shih tzu has red fur on its face. Have you ever seen your shih tzu paw is face? If so, yep, the eye is getting infected. You should cut the red fur from the face carefully, or take your shih tzu to its professional groomer. After all the red fur is cut out of the face, your shih tzu will be fine... Just take him or her to their veterinarian to get some tips if your shih tzu's eye(s) is (are) okay.

What has the author Shih-chin Tung written?

Shih-chin Tung has written: 'One small dog' -- subject(s): Fiction 'Communist China and the Chinese problem' -- subject(s): Politics and government

How many days are shih tzus in heat?

A shih tzus pregnancy lasts up to two months and when your shih tzus is in labor she will start hyperventalating. so check up on her on the 63rd day of her pregnancy because that's her labor day.

How do you spell Shih zu?

The correct spelling is "Shih Tzu".