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Actually, Dinovite supplements are about the best on the market right now, using high quality nutrients including human grade and organic, whole food nutrients. There's nothing artificial or imported in them. For you to actually purchase ingredients like this and try to get the right balance would be a lot more expensive and difficult.

I used to try to buy different products like Nzymes, pet tabs, etc. and it got more expensive and really crazy trying to give all these different things to my dogs (and I have quite a few too!)

In the end, I figured that what I saved in vet bills for just my one dog (who used to be the KING of itch and shed and required steroids and antibiotics a few times a year), I could buy the Dinovite. At one point, my vet recommended Atopica, which was over the top expensive and really didn't work! At least the Dinovite works. I can call and talk to a person who knows about the products and they gave me wonderful advice for getting off prescription dog food onto a mid-range priced food that is actually better for my dogs.

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Q: Is there a cheaper version of dinovite i have 4 dogs and Dinovite is expensive?
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