Yes, you can have a Toyger cat and a boxer dog if you are able to afford the animal and care for them.
A Doberman, a German shepherd, a boxer, a Toyger cat, an ocicat and a domestic short hair cat can probably get along if they are raised together and trained well.
It may be possible to find a Toyger cat or boxer dog in a shelter. You just need to call around to local shelters.
yes it does
Toyger cats are short not long coated animals. Their coat is uniform in length.
If you have a Toyger cat, a Sokoke cat, a Savannah, a cheetoh cat, a boxer dog, and a Siberian husky and all of them are active, they can be leash trained. The cats often take more work to train than the dogs. The cats all have medium coats except for the cheetoh which is short. The Boxer has a short coat and the husky has a long and thick coat.
If you raise a Cheetah cat, a toyger cat, a boxer, a doberman and a German shepherd from early puppy and kitten hood, they will most likely get along. This can depend on the personality of the animals though.
You might be able to own a boxer, a cheetah cat and a toyger cat in Malta. These odd breeds will not be found in shelters in most cases. If you breed them, the resulting cats would probably be very cute.
Yes, hypoallergenic means that they don't cause a lot of allergies and since the toyger cat breed has short hair it makes them hypoallergenic
No it has a small short hair but if it is mixed with a long haired dog theres a chance it could though.
Pugs are short haired dogs but they do moult a lot :)
A toyger is a cat that is a cross breed between a bengal cat and a striped domestic short hair cat. They were developed to have stripes and orange or brown coloration reminiscent of a tiger.