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Multicellular, only some forms of organism like Amoeba are single cellular and they are microscopic.

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Q: Is the red kangaroo single or multicelluar?
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Do prokaryotes have many large multicelluar organisms?

No. A prokaryote is a single cell.

When was Red kangaroo created?

Red kangaroo was created in 1822.

Are earthworms unicelluar or multicelluar?

Multicellular. A single celled organism is not visible with the naked eye.

How long between the evolution of single versus multicelluar organisms?

2.5 billion years

How high is the Red Kangaroo?

The height of a Red kangaroo, which is the largest of the kangaroo species, ranges from 165cm to 2 metres.

What specie has the red kangaroo evolve from?

the kangaroo

What is the species of a red kangaroo?

The species name of the red kangaroo is Macropus Rufus.

Is Kangaroo the fastest animal?

The largest kangaroo, the Red Kangaroo, is the fastest.

What species does the red kangaroo belong to?

The species name of the Red kangaroo is Macropus Rufus.

Is the red kangaroo a predator?

No. The Red kangaroo is a herbivore, feeding on grasses and other vegetation.

What does a red kangaroo do early in the morning?

a red kangaroo grazes on grass early morning

Which is the heaviest kangaroo know to man?

the red kangaroo