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Yes, although classed at a lower risk than other species, such as th humpback.

Conservation status:

Minkes whales are listed on the endangered species list as a threatened species as there remains only approximately 800,000 minkes in the world. Some Japanese and Russian vessels are still known to hunt minke whales. Minke whales have been protected by international law since 1986

Minke whales are not an ESA-listed species, meaning they are not classified as endangered or threatened. However, minke whales are protected under the marine mammal protection act.
No, the Antarctic minke whale is listed as DD (data deficient) on the IUCN Redlist of endangered species.

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Is the minke whale an endandered whale?

Yes the Minke Whale is an Endangered Species because the Japanese hunt the whales therefore they are endangered

Are Minke whales extinct?

No they are not extinct. The Common Minke whale is least concerned according to the IUCN Red list. However form same site, the Antarctic Minke is data deficient but is highly likely to be at least Endangered.

What is the French name for the minke whale?

The Minke whale is called 'la baleine de Minke' or 'petit rorqual' in French.

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Joseph Horwood has written: 'The sei whale' -- subject(s): Sei whale 'Biology and exploitation of the minke whale' -- subject(s): Minke whale, Minke whale hunting

What is the weight of the minke whale?

The average weight of a minke whale is between 5 and 15 tonnes.

What is the diet of an minke whale?

The diet of a minke whale consists of krill, sardines, anchovies, cod, and other fish.

Average weight of a minke whale?

The average weight of a minke whale is between 7 and 10 metric tonnes.

How big is a Minke whale?

minke whale cen be 25 to 30 ft or 7 to 9 meters

Which whale is being hunted the most?

It is either the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) or the minke whale.

Where does the Minke whale live?


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Where do minke whales live?

There are 2 sub species of the Minke Whale species. One being the antarctic Minke whale which only lives in Antarctic Ocean. Secondly, will have the Common Minke Whale which can life in every ocean.