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yes, all of my hamsters that i have owned, the girls have been more aggressive

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Q: Is the male hamster less aggressive than the female?
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Which hamster is meaner female or male hamster?

They are both nice if you treat them right . But natrualy the female hamster is meaner well meaner isn't the word it aggressive and self protective, which female hamsters are.

What if the male is in the cage when your female hamster has babies?

It depends on the species. The female may be aggressive towards the male and the male will stay away or they'll fight, but with Russian dwarf hamsters the father will help.

What is better male or female dwarf hamsters?

I am not a hamster expert but i would say that a female would be better because males tend to be more aggressive

Should I get male Russian Hamsters or Female Russian Hamsters Which Is Better?

Get a female hamster as they look white and cute and the first thing that they are a lot more active than the male russians. They often climb on the treadmill and they keep themselves fit. Also they are less aggressive.

Is a male or female hamster more gentle and less likely to bite?

Males are usually considered less panicky then Females, to the answer is Male

Are male Chinese dwarf hamsters better then female?

Male hamsters tend to be less aggressive and protective than female hamsters.

You have had your male hamster for a month and you just got a female hamster Will your male hamster be settled in too much to breed?

Do not put a female hamster with an already settled male hamster JUST DON'T

How does a male hamster attract a female hamster?

It is ususally a female hamster that attracts a male. If you want them together is suggest you have a piece of cardboard to seperate them if they fight. The male will sniff the female. if the female allows it then it is probably ok.

Can a female hamster mate with a male hamster?


How can a hamster get pregnant?

A female hamster can get pregnant if it mates with a male hamster.

How do you make a hamster?

A female and a male female hamster must mate in order to create another hamster.

Can a female Syrian hamster get pregnant without a male?

No, a Syrian Hamster needs a male to become pregnant.