This is something I always wanted to discuss with the Biologist Mrs. Lamour but never got around to. Sadly, she is no longer with us. A relative of mine saw a photograph of some type of Farm animal ( juvenile) with humanoid features that seemed to resemble a very young Horse of maybe sheep or goat type of animal. This allegedly happened as the result of some disturbed farm hand ( not the origin of Funny Farm) this did happen in the US. After being photographed to prove it was real, the animals- there was a litter of them, were killed and the remains cremated.So, there is no physical evidence, like condemned beef. The fact this happened on a farm makes on think it might have been animals used for food and why the government men took such drastic action > From a description of the photograph the creature was about the size of a very small pony or immature horse or a large dog. Probably did not weight more than l00 lbs. Even if such a creature was viable, it mercifully could not reproduce- Nature has safety valves of the non-return type regarding inter-specific cross breeds and freaks. It is a weird and strangely fascinating concept anyhow. It could and evidentally did, happen, and was suppressed and hushed up. Who would dare eat a half-human hamburger?
We are still animals. We have much more in common with animals than we think. Like us, some animals can make tools. The only difference is that our tools are a lot more complex. Like us, some animals have a language. The only difference is that their language contain less than ten words. Before, humans were a sort of ape that lived in Africa. These Apes began to walk on two feet and to make tools: they evoluted into humans. Soon, they populated all the continents (except Antarctica)
Cheetahs are the fastest land animal, so they would win a race against a human.
plants help the human race in many ways by taking in CO2, releases oxygen, feeding us and provides food for animals which we ten eat depending on which animal plants help the human race in many ways by taking in CO2, releases oxygen, feeding us and provides food for animals which we ten eat depending on which animal
People populate the human race. There is only one human race
No - the human race (or any species of animal) would not be here if it wasn't for sex drive!
Absolutely ! The human race is the only animal species on the planet that has hunted other species to extinction.
One kind of race is a 'who can do it faster' race, whilst another race could be a 'human race' or the type of human you are. An example of a human race is African, or Chinese.
The simple answer is - HUMAN intervention ! The human race is responsible for almost every species of endangered animal - though selfish destruction of their natural habitat !
there is no opposite of tectonic plates, they are an item. That's like saying "What is the opposite of the human race. And no it isn't the 'animal race' ",See? There is no opposite that I, or probably anyone, knows about....yet
Human race
human race.
The human race.