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haha yup it is:)

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Q: Is the golden lion tamarin a consumer or a producer?
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Is a golden lion tamarin a consumer or a producer?

haha yup it is:)

Where is a golden lion tamarin on the energy pyramid?

the golden lion tamarin is a first level consumer which is under the hawk and above flowers and plants.

When was Golden lion tamarin created?

Golden lion tamarin was created in 1766.

How do you help the golden lion tamarin?

You can help golden lion tamarins by supporting conservation organizations that work to protect their habitats, raising awareness about their endangered status, and avoiding products that contribute to deforestation in their range. Additionally, you can donate to tamarin conservation efforts or volunteer with organizations dedicated to their protection.

When was Golden-headed lion tamarin created?

Golden-headed lion tamarin was created in 1820.

What is the population of the golden lion tamarin?

The population of the golden lion tamarin is about 1,000 and they're an endangered species.

Where does the golden lion tamarin?

The Golden Lion Tamarin is native to the forests on the east coast of Brazilin rain forest

What sounds do golden lion tamarin make?

A Golden lion tamarin sounds like a bird but much higher in tone. (:

What are some websites on the golden lion tamarin?

Just go to Google and type in Golden Lion Tamarin.

How much does the golden lion.?

If you are referring to the golden lion tamarin, they weigh about 1.4 pounds.

What is golden lion tamarins?

The weight of a golden lion tamarin is 500 to 600 grams

Habitat of the Golden Lion Tamarin?

its in the rainforest