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Adult foxes come in many sizes, with adults of some species weighing as little as 2 kg (4.4 lb). The largest species, the red fox, can reach 10 kg (22 lbs) in weight. So while most foxes are similar in size to a domestic cat, some species are as large as medium-size dogs.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Depending on how the other larger canine reacts, a fox could attack it, run away, or even play. If the larger dog seems to want to eat it, or seems to fear the fox are dependent on its reactions.

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11y ago

Foxes are normally scared of dogs because dogs normally hunt in packs while the fox are a solitary hunter. A fox will attack a solitary dog if it feels threaten...

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8y ago

Generally, foxes avoid both dogs and humans.

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yes they are scared because you looked up the question

If you have a tail but is scared of heights and dogs what are you?

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