Black bears are omnivores within the scientific order Carnivora. Their diet depends on what is locally available to them as well as the season.
It is auctully an omnivore
Most bears are omnivores, yes, but can be classified otherwise, depending on their habitats and what food is available.
For instance, Polar Bears are classified as carnivorous but will eat other things besides
meat when they can get it.
Pandas eat mostly vegetation, but are classified as carnivores, as they will eat meat as well.
There are eight species of bears. Six of them are omnivores. One, the polar bear, is a carnivore, and another, the panda, is almost a complete herbivore.
The bear is the omnivore.
they are omnivores
a bear for an omnivore and a tiger for carnivore
No. A black bear is an omnivore.
No it is an omnivore.
it eats plants and meat so is an omnivore.