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i dont see it being harmful, there are deer eating the apples that fall on the ground around my parents' apple trees every year.

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Q: Is the apple skin harmful for deer?
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What is deer skin made of?

The skin of a deer

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deer hide is the skin of the animal. In this case, a deer!!! LOL!!!

What is an apple's skin called?

Apple with no skin

Is it deerskin or deer skin?

Deer skin while the deer is wearing it, deerskin whe WE are wearing it.

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skin from a deer.

What is the noun in this sentence - a deer pulled an apple from the branches?

There are three nouns in this sentence:deer apple branchesNouns are easy to recognise they often have a,an or thebefore them:a deer, an apple, the branches.

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their cloths were made out of the animals they caught like deer,or bears skin

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skin that comes off an apple

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Deer skin while the deer is wearing it, deerskin whe WE are wearing it.

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No, it is not harmful.